Latest Update: July 10th, 2022
Level Ups: Schnegge, Hayley, rain, Lex, Kayori— Congratulations!Masters: Schnegge (ixora, hazeldormice, spiderwebs), Hayley (cockatiels, aloevera, apples, blackswans, kenaifjordsnationalpark, redcowledcardinals, tansies, blackcanyonofthegunnisonnationalpark, longtailedtits, apollobutterflies, englishivy, liverleaves, amaranth, tabbycats, yellownortherncardinals, bigbendnationalpark, denalinationalpark, falsekillerwhales, gold, plainszebras, grizzlybears, humpbackwhales, pembrokewelshcorgis, redfoxes, beagles, brycecanyonnationalpark, siberianhuskies, tornados, bamboo, angelfish, greatwhitesharks, andeanfoxes, pinecones), rain (europeanrobins), Kayori (englishivy, lakeclarknationalpark, longtailedtits, mallards, quetzalcoatlus, carlsbadcaverns, kiwifruit), Caitlin (africanleopards, cherries, chihuahuas, cockatiels, diamonds, europeanhedgehogs, tulips, pembrokewelshcorgis, oranges, lapislazuli, hippopotamuses, yosemitenationalpark, maltese)— Congratulations!
Game Updates: Weekly, Monthly
- Whitney wished for "I wish for everyone to get 10 random cards! Thank you!" — Check your Rewards panel!
- Lex wished for "5 choice plant cards" — Max 1 per deck. Comment with what you take!
- Hayley wished for "I wish for 2 red, 2 white, and 2 blue cards!" — Max 1 per deck. Comment with what you take!
Quick update today. My life has gotten a little chaotic over these last few weeks, so updates might be less consistent over the next few months. I'll try to keep on top of things as much as possible.
If anyone is interested in earning some extra cards, I could really use some help with deckmaking.
Happy Trading!
New Decks
If you donated the deck, you may take an extra from that deck. Comment with what you take!
9 comments | Posted: Jul 10, 2022