Latest Update: June 9th, 2024
New Members: Aggie — Welcome to Naturally!Level Ups: Zephie, Kayori, Aggie, Lex— Congratulations!
Masters: RedRarebit (kingcobras, pillbugs, moonstones), Kayori (bengaltigers, bioluminescentbeaches, blackandwhiteruffedlemurs, blackishblueseedeaters, bloodoranges, bonsaitrees, canadageese, casablancalilies, coelacanths, comets, commonravens, commontoads, constellations, coralreefs, cordierite, deathvalleynationalpark, denalinationalpark, desertcardinals, deserts, drytortugasnationalpark, englishivy, europa, europeangooseberries, fall, fennecfoxes, fluorite, flyagarics, forests, giantdaygeckos, gold, goldenretrievers, goldfish, greatbasinnationalpark, hamsters, hawaiivolcanoesnationalpark, hazeldormice, hoaryfoxes, hyacinthmacaws, icicles, islandfoxes, jalapenos, kakapos, kobukvalleynationalpark, lakedistrictnationalpark, leopardgeckos, mangoes, mantisshrimp, milkyquartz, moonjellyfish, mountainlions, mountrainiernationalpark, northcascadesnationalpark, orcas, petrifiedforestnationalpark, phainopeplas, platinum, prairiedogs, neptune, quicksilver, redeyedtreefrogs, ripples, aluminium, seagulls, siberianhuskies, snowflakes, europeanpeacockbutterflies, snowyowls, spiderlillies, stegosaurus, streams, commonelands, swallowtailbutterflies, sweetpeaflowers, tanzanites, gatesofthearcticnationalpark, tigerseyes, tigersharks, toucans, commonmarmosets, tourmaline, westerncoyotes, yosemitenationalpark, copper), Lex (agate, africancrestedporcupines, carnelians, chalcedonies, glaciernationalpark, goats, greykangaroos, milkyquartz, ocelots, southernriverotters, redclovers, walruses)— Congratulations!
Game Updates: Weekly
- Whitney wished for "I wish for everyone to get 10 choice cards and 20 random cards. Thank you!" — Max 1 per deck for the choice cards
- comment with what you take. Please check your rewards panel for the random cards.
- Caitlin wished for "Can we do choice cards (max 2 per deck) spelling out SUMMERTIME IS COMING!" — Max 2 per deck. Comment with what you take!
Happy Sunday! I hope everyone had a great week!
The activity check is complete. Anyone without a log entry from sometime this year has been moved to hiatus status. If you were moved to hiatus, you can easily request to reactivate your account by logging in.
Aggie -- your member card is ready! You can pick it up off your site profile if you haven't already grabbed it off Discord.
Have a great week and Happy Trading, everyone!
New Decks
If you donated the deck, you may take an extra from that deck. Comment with what you take!
7 comments | Posted: Jun 09, 2024