Latest Update: September 18th, 2022
Level Ups: Kayori, Auriianna, Caitlin, scott, Mysti— Congratulations!Masters: Mysti (arctichares, uluru, silver, europeanrabbits, californiatowhees, europeanpeacockbutterflies, animaleyes, sundews, redcappedcardinals), Kayori (commontoads, goldeneagles, harbourporpoises, hibiscus, hippopotamuses, jasper, pasqueflowers, augustbeautygardenias, raspberries, nebulae, tanzanites), Caitlin (goldenretrievers, antarctica, eurasianredsquirrels, rain, rain, alaskanmalamutes, dalmatians, channelislandsnationalpark, hybridtearoses, onyx), scott (clouds, flowerfields, liliesofthevalley, theearth, africanpygmyhedgehogs, blueandgoldmacaws), Cici (commonblackbirds, diamonds, glasswingbutterflies, koi, morphobutterflies, narwhals, onyx, siberiantigers, belugawhales, garnets), Elijah (akitainu, fossils, snowleopards, mountainlions, shibainu, pillbugs, sundews), StephJ (fire, blackberries, amethysts, ametrine), erin (amethysts, rosequartz, strawberries), Lex (chihuahuas, corsacfoxes, glacierbaynationalpark, leaves, lotus)— Congratulations!
Game Updates: Weekly
- rain wished for "I wish for 5 choice cards where a paw is visible!" — Max 1 per deck. Comment with what you take!
- Elijah wished for "It's been so hot lately, so cards spelling out COOL OFF" — Max 1 per deck. Comment with what you take!
- Lex wished for "3 choice cards from the same deck" — Comment with what you take!
Happy Sunday! I hope everyone is having a great week so far, and that you're enjoying the mini-event! I have the whole week off from work this week (yay!) and I'm going to see one of my favorite bands in concert on Friday (YAY!), so I'm excited!
As a reminder, this is the last week to participate in the mini-event! The event ends next Sunday, September 25, so enjoy it while you can!
Sign-ups for our annual Halloween Event will open next Sunday, September 25, so please look forward to that!
That's it for now. Have a great week and Happy Trading!
New Decks
If you donated the deck, you may take an extra from that deck. Comment with what you take!
15 comments | Posted: Sep 18, 2022